Kashagi Nano Loan Update
So in the past two articles have been reviewing the Kashagi Nano Loan service by Stewart Bank. When I used the service, it was still very new and as expected with a new service it had a lot of kinks that had to be ironed out for it to be operate optimally. You can read more on my previous articles. A friend and workmate of mine recently used the service and when he was narrating his experience I realized that the product has received some improvements and modifications to make it more effective and convenient. I could not test for myself as I suspect I have been blacklisted due to my delay in repaying the loan, read my last article for more details. My major complaint with the whole service was that you were forced to open an iSave account with Stewart Bank first where the loan would be deposited into. This to me was ridiculous and strenuous given I had to visit the banking halls and have an extra bank account which I did not need, on top of all that Stewart Bank ...