
Showing posts from July, 2019

An Improved Harare : Traffic

Harare is a huge mess, trying to cross the city during peak hours is a nightmare that will haunt you for days. Even in other non peak hours its still a hustle trying to go from 4th Street to Rotten Row. There is need for some fundamental changes in how Harare is run and structured to ensure the City becomes more efficient and more pleasing. Harare is the biggest and most populous City in Zimbabwe, its more than 5 times bigger than the second City Bulawayo. Given how the city has been structured one can clearly see that it has surpassed it's limit, it no longer can hold the population and the traffic that follows. The Harare City council can no longer provide adequate enough resources to service its residents, there are chronic water shortages all over the city, whenever one builds a house they have to have a borehole, you will see green water tanks suspended upon various stands all over the city. The city is also not able to keep the suburbs clean, there is refuse everywhere, so