
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Black Friday Bug is Finally In Zim!!!

Black Friday for many years has been something we knew from foreign movies, it felt as a foreign concept that cannot exist in Zimbabwe. Over the years however the concept started creeping in and this year it seems the craze has finally materialized. Previously Black Friday would only happen in the upmarket shopping centers such as Sam Levy, Arundel Shopping Center..etc and many people did not even care to participate. Will not be diving into how Black Friday started, you can read more here: How Black Friday Started.   Looking at this journey to this year's Black Friday, many factors has pushed for the Black Friday culture to be finally accepted nationwide. There is the continued American influence from movies and series that is constantly reshaping our culture and has made many open to the idea of Black Friday, plus few can resist buying stuff on the cheap. There is also the issue of South African influence on Zimbabwean retailers, as a nation we rely on South African product