
The Black Friday Bug is Finally In Zim!!!

Black Friday for many years has been something we knew from foreign movies, it felt as a foreign concept that cannot exist in Zimbabwe. Over the years however the concept started creeping in and this year it seems the craze has finally materialized. Previously Black Friday would only happen in the upmarket shopping centers such as Sam Levy, Arundel Shopping Center..etc and many people did not even care to participate. Will not be diving into how Black Friday started, you can read more here: How Black Friday Started.   Looking at this journey to this year's Black Friday, many factors has pushed for the Black Friday culture to be finally accepted nationwide. There is the continued American influence from movies and series that is constantly reshaping our culture and has made many open to the idea of Black Friday, plus few can resist buying stuff on the cheap. There is also the issue of South African influence on Zimbabwean retailers, as a nation we rely on South African product

Repositioning, Re-Purposing and Restructuring Zimbabwean Cities.

One of my biggest wishes is Zim becoming a modern nation with modern cities that are attractive, cities we can be proud off, which will have unique attractions which we can showcase to the whole world. For that wish of mine to happen there is need for Repositioning, Restructuring & Re-purposing of the country's cities and towns. Many cities and towns suffer from a lack of identity hence they fail to create sustainable unique business models which they can financially benefit from. Lack of stable and reliable financial models in many cities has led to those cities lack greatly when it comes to development, some cities have gone for more than a decade without a major development occurring withing its territory which is very disheartening. On this article will be exploring how the major towns and cities can make use of their location, resources, history to to reposition and re-purpose themselves. I believe if every major city or town is performing well financially and socially

An Improved Harare : Traffic

Harare is a huge mess, trying to cross the city during peak hours is a nightmare that will haunt you for days. Even in other non peak hours its still a hustle trying to go from 4th Street to Rotten Row. There is need for some fundamental changes in how Harare is run and structured to ensure the City becomes more efficient and more pleasing. Harare is the biggest and most populous City in Zimbabwe, its more than 5 times bigger than the second City Bulawayo. Given how the city has been structured one can clearly see that it has surpassed it's limit, it no longer can hold the population and the traffic that follows. The Harare City council can no longer provide adequate enough resources to service its residents, there are chronic water shortages all over the city, whenever one builds a house they have to have a borehole, you will see green water tanks suspended upon various stands all over the city. The city is also not able to keep the suburbs clean, there is refuse everywhere, so

Gweru as the New Capital City.

There has been talk of moving the capital city from Harare to Gweru which sparked debate among many all over the nation. Have given much thought on the topic and have come to the conclusion that it would be a beneficial move to adopt. For many it seems insane to make such a decision as they have only known Harare to be the Capital since we gained our Independence from Colonial rule in 1980. However given the massive need for decentralization of power and functions such a move will greatly benefit the nation. To clarify this idea, moving the capital city means moving the administrative and political duties, meaning the President's office, Cabinet, Parliament, Judicial services will now all reside in Gweru. Harare will continue as the Financial capital which it already is but those aforementioned duties will now be moved to Gweru. As much as Harare is engraved in peoples minds as the only plausible capital it is however now not capable of handling the population growth. Harare

Kashagi Nano Loan Update

So in the past two articles have been reviewing the Kashagi Nano Loan service by Stewart Bank. When I used the service, it was still very new and as expected with a new service it had a lot of kinks that had to be ironed out for it to be operate optimally. You can read more on my previous articles. A friend and workmate of mine recently used the service and when he was narrating his experience I realized that the product has received some improvements and modifications to make it more effective and convenient. I could not test for myself as I suspect I have been blacklisted due to my delay in repaying the loan, read my last article for more details.   My major complaint with the whole service was that you were forced to open an iSave account with Stewart Bank first where the loan would be deposited into. This to me was ridiculous and strenuous given I had to visit the banking halls and have an extra bank account which I did not need, on top of all that Stewart Bank is part o

Kashagi : Paying Back The Loan

This article is way way late but I felt I owed it to you to share. So I shared my experience of the Kashagi nano loan service and you can read it here : Kashagi : How Convenient Is It??? . The service is commendable but still needs to be ironed out for it to be as efficient as they advertised. Now after getting a loan the next step is to pay it back and wondered whether the process will be as tedious as the application process or its much smoother??? After two weeks had some money in my Ecocash and I decided to pay back the loan so I returned to their platform *236# and selected the option of paying back the loan. Given how Stewart Bank and Ecocash work together it should be easier to pay back the loan, they also say so in their messages. As I began the USSD *236# service, I felt that there were too many prompts to get to the final menu and after all those clicks I got to realize that there is no part to pay the loan via Ecocash, you will receive a message saying "the

Kashagi: How convenient is it???

When it comes to innovation in Zimbabwe, Econet Wireless and its subsidiaries are way in front of everyone else. The company wants to disrupt every industry possible as seen by the strides they have been making over the years in various industries.  With the Economy crumbling and many Zimbos facing serious financial hurdles Econet has came up with a micro/nano loan product, perfectly titled Kashagi. This nano loan product is meant to offer millions of Zimbo's quick access to funds (up to $100) wherever they are for any small emergency that they may face. The process as stated on the Steward Bank website takes around 60seconds for the funds to be deposited and if the funds are returned before end of month it attracts no interest, the only charge is the 5% handling fee that is deducted beforehand. This all sounds good because 60seconds is way faster than begging friend to send you a few bucks for an emergency or opportunity you will have encountered.  Now the question i