Repositioning, Re-Purposing and Restructuring Zimbabwean Cities.

One of my biggest wishes is Zim becoming a modern nation with modern cities that are attractive, cities we can be proud off, which will have unique attractions which we can showcase to the whole world. For that wish of mine to happen there is need for Repositioning, Restructuring & Re-purposing of the country's cities and towns. Many cities and towns suffer from a lack of identity hence they fail to create sustainable unique business models which they can financially benefit from. Lack of stable and reliable financial models in many cities has led to those cities lack greatly when it comes to development, some cities have gone for more than a decade without a major development occurring withing its territory which is very disheartening. On this article will be exploring how the major towns and cities can make use of their location, resources, history to to reposition and re-purpose themselves.

I believe if every major city or town is performing well financially and socially it will all add to the development of the nation as a whole. Have already talked about Gweru and Harare so will skipping them on this article. For such a development to happen there is however a major need for decentralization of power, ensuring the various city councils are given the freedom to lead major projects in their cities without major intervention from the government. The government can just act as the parent, enforcing sound practices and accountability.

I'm not a town planner or even an engineer, I'm just a Zimbo Who Likes Innovation however I believe the ideas I will be sharing can be used as a foundation on our route to creating a modern nation. This idea was brought about by the national-wide trip I undertook in 2018, I am a curious person and for so for long I wanted to see all the major cities, towns, settlement areas I had not visited. Getting a idea of how they live, their cultures and norms, the area setups, I just wanted to experience them myself and it was an enlightening trip full of beautiful scenery, interesting people and adventures. During that trip I found myself wondering or picking out certain things certain cities/towns can implement and improve their outlook and that has led me to this article. In 2018 alone managed to visit: Murewa, Mutoko, Nyanga, Chimanimani, Chipinge, Chisumbanje, Chiredzi, Kariba, Karoi, Chinhoyi, Victoria Falls. Was already familiar with Harare, Mutare, Vumba Marondera, Rusape, Gweru, Kwekwe, Bulawayo, Masvingo. Still have not finished the whole country, yet to explore the Mat South Region areas such as Gwanda, Beitbridge, Plumtree and the Mashonaland West areas such as Mvurwi, Centenary, Mana Pools, Mt Darwin  and other regions such as Chivhu, Hwedza, Gutu...etc.

As you can see I have a passion for travel and I thank the Lord that I managed to travel so much last year despite doing it all on a budget. My ideas are more on the how certain regions, cities, towns can improve their appeal to make themselves more marketable. Identity is important and we know certain various Int cities we have not managed to visit because of their identities, they have distinct identities that make them stand out and that is what is required in many areas in Zim.

Bulawayo is the most organized big City in the whole of Zimbabwe, it seems as if the city council for the town operates differently from all the others. The City is well planned, the roads are wide which makes it easier for both drivers and pedestrians to travel without any hustle. Despite how organized the City is, Bulawayo shines the most when it comes to arts. The city has a distinct culture and image which you can clearly pick out whenever you visit the city. The people are free, happy, ready to have a good time. The City has been at the forefront of some of the most iconic arts events of activites in the nation ie. most number of miss Zimbabwe finalists, Amakhosi theatres delivered some iconic tv shows such as Amakorokoza and its the town with the internationally recognized dance outfit IYASA....the list goes on and on.

Therefore I believe the city must be the arts hub of the nation, more effort has to be put into transforming the city helping it realize its potential. It can be the Hollywood of Zimbabwe, it has the potential, culture and talent required, only financial backing is lacking. 

Masvingo by definition means a fortress, it is the city which has the famous Great Zimbabwe ruins, it is where the name of the country came from. The Zimbabwean bird sculptures were found here, back in the day it was the hub of the nation, it was the most modren settlement during its time. The way the ruins are built is a architectural marvel which led to many suspecting that Europeans built it for us. Masvingo should be the Heritage capital, the city where one can go and experience our traditions and culture. The city should then be structured in a way which takes advantage of our tradition and culture. 

On the culture tip Chinhoyi can also serve as the historical town. The town is already significant for the Chinhoyi Caves which gave our ancestors refuge in time of war. During the war times some of the most fierce and significant battles were fought in Chinhoyi. On top of all that history Chinhoyi caves is full of mystical stories, which will also be plus to anyone interested in how Zimbabwe came to be.

One can clearly see that the town can easily become a hub for our history. There is need to utilize the mystery of the place and ensure all who visit can get an idea of the history of Zimbabwe.

Eastern Highlands (Mutare, Vumba, Nyanga & Chimanimani)

If you ask me which is the most beautiful area in Zimbabwe, I will not stammer or hesitate its definitely the Eastern Highlands any day and time. This area is basically a sleeping giant tourism wise, it's somehow not as celebrated as I feel it should be. To an extent I understand as the area (except Mutare) is largely underdeveloped, the infrastructure of the towns is seriously lacking, I was extremely disappointing by Chimanimani town if you can even call it that, for such a beautifully located town it fails to make use of its views, it needs to be  completely redone. 

Nyanga is also underwhelming, its the area with the tallest mountain in Zim and many adventure seekers visit the place but the town does not reflect that, its lacking in structure and appeal, it again needs to be restructured. 

Vumba does not necessarily have a central town so will give it a pass on that but the roads needs to be better, that Vumba-Burma Valley road can be a massive selling point if managed well,  it gives one an opportunity to circle the whole area basking in its beauty. 

This region however has standard lodges and hotels places such as Aberfoyle Lodge, Leopard Rock, Troutbeck, Heaven Lodge, Whitehorse Inn deliver you standard accommodation where you can enjoy the breathtaking surrounding scenery. My major complaint is the towns and roads in the case of Vumba. 

Mutare is the central city in this region, its the connecting City. I have a soft spot for this City, its my favourite in the whole of Zim however it's lacking in development. The City is ideally located and offers the best welcome to any City in Zim, the Christmas Pass road is beautiful. However the city needs to improve its hospitality sector, given its the connecting point between Nyanga and Vumba/Chimanimani it needs to be able to accommodate visitors adequately. My biggest issue about the region as a whole is there is no standard Airport, that needs to be addressed if the region is to succeed in any way. There is grand reef aiport which is merely an airstrip, it needs to be expanded into a proper airport such as the Vic Falls Int Airport. Given the Vic Falls Int airport is busier than the Robert Mugabe Int Airport  shows establishing such an airport has loads of potential, some tourists prefer to fly directly into the regions they want to explore that to fly into Harare first. An International airport will greatly increase accessibility to the region and transportation is key to development.

Victoria Falls  & Kariba are very popular but opposite resort towns. 

Vic Falls is a proper resort town and everything about the town will make you feel like you are in holiday. The layout of the town is well done, its small and easy to navigate whether you have a vehicle or not. Having a standard airport also makes Vic Falls easily accessible. When you are on holiday in Vic Falls you will not find yourself stressing about the town or other stuff but it lets you concentrate on just being on vacation. You can come across wild animals in town which makes the experience worthwhile. It is dubbed the adventure capital of Africa for a reason, there is lots loooots to do in the town for all adventure fans and one can easily connect between the activities due to how easy it ts ti navigate the town. From my experience I have not complaints about the town.

Kariba on the other hand despite being equally popular is lacking in layout. Yes it is a coastal town but moving from one place to another involves a lot of hustle especially if you do not have a vehicle. In Vic Falls one can enjoy all the activities without having to pass through residential settlements which I feel is an important thing, if you want to experience that life you can easily get a cab to do so, the places are close, however in Kariba you do not have that option, to go to the habour you pass through the ghetto, to visit the town you also pass residential areas.  The area is surprisingly mountainous but the city fails to make use of that. The town must make use of its beachfront location. In Vic Falls you can find animals in the Town, its an interesting setup and Kariba can also take advantage of that. The disadvantage is that in Kariba there are more predatory animals as compared to Vic Falls so the Parks & Wildlife team has to be on high alert 24hrs a day.

Also a standard airport is needed in Kariba, despite the fact that the temperatures there can reach insane levels there is need for an airport, if not in Kariba it can be in Karoi and people drive to Kariba this will also benefit those who would want to visit  Mana Pools Game Park which is in the same region.

There is much we must do to improve our country. We are blessed to have such a beautiful country and we must be able to bask in its beauty. For us to do so takes a collective effort, the government and the communities coming together.

Tourism is important, it can transform our economy and cities.

Yours Truly

A Zimbo Who Loves Innovation


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