
Welcome and feel at home. 

Zimbabwe has been going through a lot for years now and for many everything seems dull, selfishness and greed is the order of the day. Everyone is fighting for their own piece of the pie and no-one seems to really think about others anymore.

Looking at how the World is moving there is need to have individuals and corporates who strive to make the nation a better space one for everyone. There is need for the selfless, those who sacrifice their lives to push the livelihood of all people forward. 

I am a huge fan of technology, innovation (hence the name) and also have a burning desire of seeing my country prosper. My first contribution is this blog!! I will be sharing with you the amazing and brilliant ideas fellow Zimbo's come up with in order to make life better for everyone. Ideas that push and develop the social and economic standing of the nation.

I am volunteering myself to promote, raise awareness, be an early adopter of new technologies so as to provide a platform whereby people can see whether a certain innovation will better their live or not.
Innovation is not only about invention of a new unheard item but its also about finding ways to improve what is already there. Sometimes what is needed a minor tweak and the light switches on!!!

So thank you for joining me on this journey of discovery and innovation.

Yours Truly

A Zimbo Who Loves Innovation.


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